Getting More People Involved in Food Production

I am currently working on an Agtech Manifesto.

One of my key points is how we can have more people, rather than less involved with food production.

Our food affects everything from our health to our mental state. I don’t think the continuous shrinking of the amount of humans in the loop will get us closer to a food future that we want. I think that with abundant energy and decreased costs of sensors, we have the potential to transform our systems of food production into systems that serve us much better. We are overfed and undernourished. Healthcare costs are rising around the world and our food choices are the main cause. And these food choices are also deeply damaging to the planet. So we need some massive changes to our current paradigm.

My post on this topic (and the Agtech Manifesto) are not finished yet, but I will continue to post thoughts on this as time allows.


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