I plan to post more of my thoughts on data here. I have worked in the “data science” field for nearly a decade and have held a number of positions in this somewhat nebulous field. Building effective data teams is a serious investment of people and I feel like I have seen great examples of what works and doesn’t. Our data should be accessible and used to help us.
I regularly track time-series data, everything from weather conditions, personal metrics (like sleep), and commodity markets. I think often about innumeracy and building numerical intuition, both for myself and others.
I have worked with very personal data and once viewed recommender systems as a way to effectively navigate the noise of the information age. I am no longer interested in this kind of surveillance, not even for the sake of “customer experience”.
I have many snippets of code that have helped me with geodata that I plan to share. I have particularly enjoyed Openstreetmap, PostGIS, and other open source GIS tools.
Here is an example of one my maps -
Graph Data
I have used Neo4j for mapping relationships in professional and investing networks. I am interested in more applications in supply chains and agriculture.