Why teas?
I love growing and drinking teas. They bring people together, give us energy, make us feel better, and look great in gardens. The standard tea plant, Camellia sinensis, can express so many different flavors. I am very interested in gathering together genomic information for both conventional breeding and CRISPR assisted development. I am particularly interested in variegated, high anthocyanin, and other colored varieties.
Despite having plenty of land that is suitable for growing tea (Camellia sinensis), over one hundred thousand tons of tea is imported into the United States each year. I am studying selections of Camellia sinensis and other Camellia hybrids that further widen the range of cultivation. The Black Sea region of Turkey is a wonderful laboratory for this, and for those interested in acquiring plants, I am working with a tissue culture specialist to make available tea plants for those who would like to trial them.
I am also interested in members of the Ilex genus that are used in making tea. I have selections of Ilex paraguiaensis (yerba mate), Ilex guayusa (guayusa), and Ilex vomitoria (yaupon). I am currently looking for Ilex latifolia (kuding-cha 苦丁茶). I have not found any information about hybrids between these. I am also curious about the graft compatibility between them (though one should know that guayusa is surprisingly hardy. Despite its origins in the Amazon, my guayusa plants have survived many light frosts during evenings in Ankara.
Please contact me if you are interested in obtaining specimens or if you are interested in trading.
In China, there are efforts to select for teas that are “purple” or “red” and rich in anthocyanins, and the Zijuan cultivar is known for having a purple look and high anthocyanin content. There is a delicious tea from Kenya called “Purple Tea” that was brought around the world by Justea. There are species in the Camellia genus (like Camellia japonica “Night Rider”) that have deep red new leaves, and a program in Japan produced a high anthocyanin tea called “Sunrouge” by crossing Camellia sinensis and Camellia taliensis.
Camellia sinensis grows easily across much of the United States, yet there is almost no commercial domestic tea production. Instead, teas are shipped to the Americas, Europe, and Australia from faraway places like China, India, and Africa.
Energy from Ilexes
Ilex is a huge genus that is distributed around the world. In the US, most know the genus through Ilex aquifolium, which is famous as a “Christmas holly” use but also infamous for its invasiveness.
I am particularly interested in the species of Ilex whose leaves are used in drinks. These plants are easy to grow in large ranges of the US and Europe. They already grow readily in South America.
Ilex paraguianesis ‘Yerba Mate’
Ilex vomitoria ‘Yaupon’
Ilex guayusa ‘Guayusa’
Ilex latifolia Thunb and Ilex kudingcha Tsen ‘Kudingcha’
I am working to assemble the biggest collection of cultivars of these plants in the United States. There are almost no named cultivars of Yerba Mate and Guayusa in the US. I hope to import them and make them available to researchers and growers.
I have been in touch with collectors and breeders of Yaupon in the US and am working to gather accessions to my Seattle area garden, mostly for the purpose of further breeding, selection, and eventual sequencing. Since both Ilex vomitoria and Ilex paraguairiensis have the same amount of chromosomes and flower around the same time, I am also attempting to create hybrids of Yerba Mate and Yaupon. An ideal hybrid of Ilex vomitoria and Ilex paraguariensis could be hardy, drought tolerant, fast growing, and with large leaves.
Other Herbal Teas
Aspalathus linearis ‘Rooibos’
Minthostachys mollis ‘Muña’